BAD LAB! Your men will love.

I recently discovered about this products, well you know where, at I saw these products and i know that i have to get them for my husband. My husband is not that vane. He only use products that i told him to use or products that can be bought easily at any supermarket or malls. He's not a try this and try that kind of person. He has a combination skin. A sensitive sense of smell, not using products with foul, off or too much scents. His hair is so thin but he is not that bothered about it, but i am. So i immediately checkout these products from Sample room ph. I was so surprise when it came. The packaging looks so good and so manly by the way. I opened the cap and i smelled right away that perfumed scent. I asked him right away to try it out. I gave him ten days to give his full thoughts about the products from Bad Lab. Look how happy he is trying out the Bad Lab baby-faced assassin energizing facial cleanser. This facial cleanser aids i...