Sunsilk Naturals Freshness and Hydration (My Long Lost Love)

Sunsilk is one of the top shampoo brands in most household here in the Philippines. The launched their Sunsilk Naural line that focuses on hair hydration. I was able to try two of the variant which is the Coconut Hydration and Watermelon freshness. Ok! Lets get into details The Sunsilk Naturals Watermelon Freshness gives your hair freshness and volume. Our exclusive formula of watermelon and mint that refreshes and cools your hair, leaving it fresh, volumized, and #PAKWANderful! As soon that I saw this, i immediately went to the Supermarket to buy. This is my long lost shampoo favorite back in days. Sunsilk had a watermelon scent shampoo which was their summer limited edition when I was a teeny weeny teen. I just cant forget how sweet smelling my hair was. The new watermelon scent lived up to my expectation, it was sooooooo gooood. The product is a gel-like pink consistency. I haven't seen a clear local shampoo for a long time....